Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In the classroom

I wrote a paragraph trying to state what a big role teachers play in the lives of their scholars or students. Disciplining was mentioned but that was not the focus point. Two teachers phoned me and said that I do not know how difficult disciplining in the classroom has become.  Discipline in our South African schools has become a serious problem. It can be compromising learner learning. . The teachers told me that because of this many teachers have been driven out of the profession. America has the same problem. If teachers should try and discipline they are often threatened with legal action. They are quick to be told that children have rights and that they can be sued.
Suddenly I realised that we see matters from a different perspective. Being a children social worker and a granny I see the matter from the child’s perspective. Teachers told me that they are often accused of unfairly disciplining a child.
I admit that there are serious problems with disciplining children in our schools. I admit that things are very different from 60 years ago when I was hit with a ruler on my hand. And I will never agree to corporal punishment in the classroom. I stand firmly against all corporal punishment. So how will teachers cope with rowdiness, disrespect, bullying, coming late etc?
Every classroom needs good discipline and good behaviour. Teachers should perhaps seek parent’s co-operation. I believe that a child who is well disciplined at home will behave at school.
I still believe that kindness dealt with a firm hand works wonders in keeping  children under control. That is what I teach parents and I believe that would work in the classroom. Let the children know that they cannot walk all over you. The difference between a good and great teacher lies in how he/she handles not just lessons, but also a class full of little human beings. Positive words and actions help in keeping order in the classroom. Praise works wonders when offered at the right time and in the right spirit without sounding contrived or exaggerated. Making your classes creative and interesting engages the children’s attention and does not allow them to misbehave or cause trouble. Make the effort to add something innovative to each day’s lesson so that the kids look forward to them.
I am a social worker and not a teacher. The well-being of the child is my concern. But, at the end of the day, I am concerned about an unruly youth. Where will this end? Today’s youth is tomorrow’s adults.

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