Sunday, January 23, 2011

Live by Divine Design

Benefits from surrendering to God – Live by Divine Design
BENEFIT 1:           Him entering us. By surrendering we allow Him to enter into our kingdom, our mind, will and emotions – and take up residence there. Our lives will run over with faith hope and love.
BENEFIT 2.           Quiet confidence.  By surrendering completely to His will we will      experience the quiet confidence that comes from being a real part of God’s Kingdom.
BENEFIT 3.           True disciples.  We become true disciples. Jesus becomes more and more settled in us and our spiritual perspective grows, we become more willing to let Him do the internal renovations necessary to make us more like Him. We grow in our ability to become true disciples. Disciples say no to themselves and yes to God. We get to a place where it is easy to deny ourselves where it is easy to take up our cross and suffer if it is necessary.                                                                                                              BENEFIT 4.          Fully part of the Kingdom.  Surrender means to follow Jesus completely, to be used in the way He chooses and to be fully part of the Kingdom of God. We will not live on the edge anymore.                                                                                         BENEFIT 5.             A wonderful love relationship with God. The biggest benefit is a love relationship with the Most High resulting in total obedience.  We will love Him with all our heart. It will be a two way relationship. We talk, listen and hear the Lord. And then obey Him. .                                                                                                                    BENEFIT 6.              Inner joy and peace. This will result in an inner joy and peace that the people around you cannot understand. The spirit of joy and peace equips the children of God to serve each other and just be the kind of person God wants us to be.                                                                                                                    BENEFIT 7.                    I will have boldness. Some people are bold and are breaking people down with their boldness. Some people can disturb a meeting with their boldness, I want to be bold and build people up. I want to be BOLD for what I stand for – yes, I repeat a loving kind of boldness. In love everyone will know where I stand.                                 I WANT TO CONCLUDE WIH Ephesians 3:14-21 Filled with all the fullness of God.
For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.Paul’s prayer for us is that we would be filled with all the fullness of God! Just let that sink in for a moment. God fills us up, and we give it out. That brings me to the last benefit that I would like to discuss here.                                                                                  Benefit 8.
       I will live a life glorifying Him.  I will follow His design for my life. A life filled with His love – my life glorifying Him. Christianity is all about glory! Bring My sons from far, and My daughters from the ends of the earth: Every one that is called by My name: for I have created him for My glory…"(Isaiah 43:6,7).HE IS THE CREATOR AND I glorify Him with my life.I glorify Christ by making Him the supreme passion of my life. I glorify Him by loving Him with all my heart, by praising Him, by enjoying Him, and by living for Him.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In the classroom

I wrote a paragraph trying to state what a big role teachers play in the lives of their scholars or students. Disciplining was mentioned but that was not the focus point. Two teachers phoned me and said that I do not know how difficult disciplining in the classroom has become.  Discipline in our South African schools has become a serious problem. It can be compromising learner learning. . The teachers told me that because of this many teachers have been driven out of the profession. America has the same problem. If teachers should try and discipline they are often threatened with legal action. They are quick to be told that children have rights and that they can be sued.
Suddenly I realised that we see matters from a different perspective. Being a children social worker and a granny I see the matter from the child’s perspective. Teachers told me that they are often accused of unfairly disciplining a child.
I admit that there are serious problems with disciplining children in our schools. I admit that things are very different from 60 years ago when I was hit with a ruler on my hand. And I will never agree to corporal punishment in the classroom. I stand firmly against all corporal punishment. So how will teachers cope with rowdiness, disrespect, bullying, coming late etc?
Every classroom needs good discipline and good behaviour. Teachers should perhaps seek parent’s co-operation. I believe that a child who is well disciplined at home will behave at school.
I still believe that kindness dealt with a firm hand works wonders in keeping  children under control. That is what I teach parents and I believe that would work in the classroom. Let the children know that they cannot walk all over you. The difference between a good and great teacher lies in how he/she handles not just lessons, but also a class full of little human beings. Positive words and actions help in keeping order in the classroom. Praise works wonders when offered at the right time and in the right spirit without sounding contrived or exaggerated. Making your classes creative and interesting engages the children’s attention and does not allow them to misbehave or cause trouble. Make the effort to add something innovative to each day’s lesson so that the kids look forward to them.
I am a social worker and not a teacher. The well-being of the child is my concern. But, at the end of the day, I am concerned about an unruly youth. Where will this end? Today’s youth is tomorrow’s adults.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Although things are not perfect

A friend Tyzie Pieterse sent this to me this morning:
Although things are not perfect Because of trial or pain Continue in thanksgiving Do not begin to blame Even when the times are hard Fierce winds are bound to blow God is forever able Hold on to what you know Imagine life without His love J oy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things Love imparts to thee Move out of "Camp Complaining" No weapon that is known On earth can yield the power Praise can do alone Quit looking at the future Redeem the time at hand Start every day with worship To "thank" is a command Until we see Him coming Victorious in the sky We'll run the race with gratitude X alting God most high Y es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but... Z ion waits in glory...where none is ever sad!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Teachers and their influence on children

I have two grand children in Primary School.and one who has just started High School. The school opened yesterday after the December School Holidays. And I wondered who and what my grandchildren's teachers would be. Would they be able to affirm the children?  Would they be able to let the children believe that they as teachers believe in them, trust them have hope for them? Will they be able to encourage them to go beyond? Will they be able to teach the children what they need to know and more? Will they inspire them to go to great heights?
And will they not break their spirits? Will they not muddle them up?
Will tey build them? Will they teach them? Will they help them to succeed? Will they help the children to develop a spirit of success? I want to do well!!
As social worker I have seen the harm that teachers can bring to children - breaking children down, shouting and shaming. I always stand amased at teachers who say we cannot use the rod that is why there is so much chaos in the schools. I beg to differ.Especially in the Primary School. It is the teacher that must take control of the situation. Have rules, have boundaries and stick to them. I have seen unruly High Schoolers where the teacher cannot be to blame as the children are not used to disciplint at home. But then I advise that teachers make the boundaries and let the children take the consequences. Have meetings with the parents etc. In my class there will be order and the work will be done. For these teachers i have lots of emopathy.

But my case is for the child who needs to be encouraged, who needs to be affirmed, who needs to be taught at a far above average level.

My prayer is today that they will have teachers with kindness and wisdom on their tongue!

More on attachment parenting

Attachment Parenting  is responsive parenting. By becoming sensitive to the cues of your infant, you learn to read your baby's level of need. Because baby trusts that his needs will be met and his language listened to, the infant trusts in his ability to give cues. As a result, baby becomes a better cue-giver, parents become better cue-readers, and the whole parent-child communication network becomes easier

Attachment parenting ,bonding. co sleeping, Darren Scott.

15 January 2011. The Huisgenoot and You magazine that appeared on the shelves to-day had a very interesting article on Darren Scott, his wife, Sarah-Kate and their little baby, Mark (I read the article in The Huisgenoot but usually there is very little difference between the article in the You and the one in the Huisgenoot).
It says that Mark is sleeping in their bed on a special pillow. This is Sarah Kate's idea. It is called meeslaap in Afrikaans This is what we believe is the right thing to do. We who believe in attachment parenting are adising parents to have babies sleeping with them. Wonderful bonding takes place.

Sleeping together  helps bonding and  the early attachment develop and unfold. The days and weeks after birth is a sensitive period in which mothers (and fathers) and babies are uniquely primed to want to be close to one another. A close attachment after birth and beyond allows the natural, biological attachment-promoting behaviors of the way baby and parents get started with one another. Sleeping in one bed is recommended. Sarah-Kate in the Huisgenoot calls it “meeslaap” or co-sleeping in English.

Of  further  importance is baby wearing.
Babywearing is the practice of wearing or carrying a baby or child in a sling or other form of carrier. Babywearing is far from new and has been practised for centuries around the world. In the industrialized world, babywearing has gained popularity in recent decades, partly under influence of advocates of attachment parenting; however, not all parents who babywear consider themselves attachment parents. Babywearing is a form of baby transport.[1]
A baby learns a lot in the arms of a busy caregiver. Carried babies fuss less and spend more time in the state of quiet alertness, the behavior state in which babies learn most about their environment.
Baby-wearing improves the sensitivity of the parents. Because your baby is so close to you, you get to know baby better. Closeness promotes familiarity. I hope that these two Darren and Sarah-Kate will do baby wearing. I like what the Xhosa mothers do keeping the baby with a towel or blanket on the back.

Darren says he would pefer Mark to sleep in his own crib in his own room but fortunately he is giving Sarah-Kate her way. She read  much on the subject and is very protective of baby Mark.She believes he must be close to her all the time. 

I would advise her to involve Darren more. He is so keen. 

I wonder what other fathers think of the idea of co-sleeping. 

Please comment


Definition of White blood cell count

White blood cell count (leukocyte count): The number of white blood cells (WBCs) in the blood. The WBC is usually measured as part of the CBC (complete blood count). White blood cells are the infection-fighting cells in the blood and are distinct from the red (oxygen-carrying) blood cells known as erythrocytes. There are different types of white blood cells, including neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes; PMNs), band cells (slightly immature neutrophils), T-type lymphocytes (T cells), B-type lymphocytes (B cells), monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. All the types of white blood cells are reflected in the white blood cell count. The normal range for the white blood cell count varies between laboratories but is usually between 4,300 and 10,800 cells per cubic millimeter of blood. This can also be referred to as the leukocyte count and can be expressed in international units as 4.3 - 10.8 x 109 cells per liter. 

I see above that a normal count is between 4,300 and 10,800. My count is most of the time less than 3,000. If it is lees than 3, 000 I cant get Chemotherapy, if it is more than 3,100 I can receive chemotherapy. Since last week's chemo I have an upset tummy and cant eat any food that builds white blood cells. That is a catch 22 situation. I must build white blood cells and cannot eat. The only thing staying in is toast. How difficult can it be. 


Sunday, January 16, 2011

The fight against cancer

I read this

Johannesburg, South Africa - What do Sibongile Khumalo, Sheryl Crow, Cynthia Nixon, Christina Applegate, Kylie Minogue, Melissa Etheridge and Martina Navratilova have in common? It is not just that they are all celebrities – they are also all breast cancer survivors.
Breast cancer is no respecter of social status, wealth, physical fitness or education. One in 29 women in South Africa is diagnosed with cancer every year. But the good news is that with early detection and treatment, the chances of survival are excellent. 

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer Esther Morkel, who is completely healed of cancer, said to me My God is greater than cancer, and I said I believe that my God will heal me. But the road to healing is not an easy one. The oncologist said chemotherapy, more surgery - removal of the left breast - and radiation.  It is a lonesome road and often it is only you and God - even amidst children and friends caring for you in a mind blowing beautiful manner. 

The other day at hospital I met an old lady. Well I am 73 and she is in her eighties. She asked me about my cancer and condition and told me about her healing and that she is only there for a check up. Then she asked me are you a Christian and I said yes, I am, actually I am radically saved. "then" she said "tell them you are healed if that is what you believe. Dont say that you have cancer. " She told me that she is a missionary and travelled all over the world from the little township of Bethelsdorp. Her God is so real to her. She follows the command   "go tell"

James 1: 2 "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. So dont try and get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way"

I recently read the book Vaders voor mijn dochters by Bruce Feiler. It is also in English Council of the Dads and he had it so much worse than I do and he pushed through. It is so difficult when you are so ill and feel so miserable. He called the year of cancer treatment a lost year. It was very difficult and painful for him. He one day said to his wife "Ik hoop dat je een hoge leeftijd bereik, je dierbaren welterusten kust en vredig in je slaap heengaan in plaats van te doorstaan wat ik heb doorstaan." And that was what I always hoped for to like Smith Wigglesworth go sit in a chair and say take me Lord.
I know  I am moving in to a deeper more mature walk with God. I want to live by Divine Disign in total surrender to Him. I wish I can influence all my family and friends to walk this way with me. I am surrendering to His will for me - His will for me is a softer, kinder Tia who will go tell...