Sunday, June 19, 2011


Wondering what message I could give to fathers on Father's day I found a parenting course that I presented 10 years ago. And I quote a few statements that I made:
Father and mother I want to remind you of what Albert Schweizer said  " I do not know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The only ones among you that will really be happy are those who sought and found how to serve "  What a statement!!   We always talk about the wonderful Be More volunteers who come and serve and give to Thamsanqa. I am so blessed by our volunteers who really know how to serve.  They are such an example to me.
But that day I said fathers and mothers be servants.
I talked about the importance of serving others but to start in your own home. Another interesting question I asked them was:  are you on your way from survival -to stability - to success - to significance?
I believe that helping and serving  others is the most significant contribution anyone can make in life -  serving  your family members first and then helping them toserve others. Significance in the family means rallying over a family member now in need.  Significance in the family is where all is so well in your family that you can reach out to others.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Parents can do much to help a child with ADHD.

It is exam time here in Port Elizabeth and I believe that there are ways you as a parent can help your child with ADHD. The first thing is patience and peace and joy in the home. I  have seen so many impatient parents .  Picture a team. To win, everyone must work together. It is the same with helping a child with ADHD. You can be like a coach. And patient, caring, understanding coaches often get the best results. But the best coaches are also firm and fair, and they expect those they are helping to stick to the rules. Fairness is very important to the ADHD child. When you can mix caring, concern, firmness, and fairness, ADHD children can learn to do better. And they feel better about themselves. This reduces the stress on you as a parent!  Parent do not provoke your child. I really think this was specifically meant for the parent with an ADHD child. Now during the exams please try and ensure a peaceful atmosphere.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Encourage your kids to reach for the stars,

John Maxwell is this year  in the news with his keadership summits etc. In 1996 he wrote a book Breakthrough Parenting. He encourages parents to encourge their children to reach the stars. On the back page of the book the following statement is made: Every child is a powerhouse of undeveloped, unlimited potential. Tucked beneath the teddy bear sheets down the hall may lie a president, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, or a missionary who will proclaim the name of Jesus in a distant nation. Perhaps your child is a Straight A student getting ready to go off to college, or a rebellious youngster hanging with the wrong crowd. Regardless of their age or stage, all kids have a wealth of possibility just waiting to be released.

The most exiting lesson that I learnt from him was.: When the road gets bumpy, sonme parents withdraw from their kids emotionally. But during difficult times, children need emotional suppiort. They can survie without their parents' money or advice, but they do not do well without love. And if they are not getting any at home, they may go look for it in inappropiate ways.
Even when your kids have messed up badly or hurt your feelings, give them hugs and other signs of affirmation and affection. Show them you are glad they are yours. That assurance can carry them through the tough times. And it may help you too.