Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Louise told us yesterday how she trained the four foster mothers on affirming a child and then I suddenly remember the Care principle for  parents and especially for fathers.

The concept of consideration is that we show careful thought and attention to family members and their needs and concerns. Look for ways to be attentive to the children's needs, feelings and priorities. Children are very different and need very different approaches but all need consideration. It still rings in my mind a Dad saying to his children show a bit of consideration. I often wonder Dad or Mom  how much consideration do you model.  After I preached about the house being a safe haven where all members feel safe and grow and develop, I realise again how important consideration for each other is in the family.
Showing appreciation seems to be a little thing, but it reaps big dividends in a family Louise told the foster mothers to start with saying  "thank you" when they come into the room and find it orderly or when someone has cooked a good meal. A simple expression of thanks with a little hug can mean a lot. And it tends to make the children a little more likely to do the right things next time when mom or dad take time to tell them thanks. Try adding a little appreciation to your parenting repertoire.
Parents come let us try acting respectfully of our children and see what happens. Just a little common courtesy goes a long way. One way to start respecting is to stop taking advantage of others. I read this”We have a daughter who takes great pride in leaving the kitchen immaculate when it is her turn to clean up after dinner. Because she does such a good job, we tend to turn to her when we need an extra job. It would perhaps be more respectful to spend time helping another child learn better cleaning skills than to take advantage of her talent to the detriment of her free time.” So many parents criticise when children make their own beds in stead of saying a good try. I appreciate your effort.  
The process of empathy, or the sensitivity and understanding of what others are going through, involves putting yourself in another's situation and feeling what they feel. Empathy is when we try to understand someone's feelings from their perspective, and then we desire to help that person
Spending time with your children in activities that communicate consideration, appreciation, respect and empathy will teach them skills, will help them know that they are important, and will bring them to a higher level of cooperation in your family and in their social worlds.
Empathy develops as a child's brain and thinking abilities develop, but parents can have a big influence on the resulting empathy their children have. If they encourage empathy, their children will be more empathic to others. If this is neglected, children get out of practice and may stop being so empathic. Children must receive lots of empathy to be able to act with empathy.

 If we want our children to feel empathy and to help others, we need to help them. While some development happens as a part of growing up, parents can increase their child's potential. "Parents have a sacred duty to...teach their children to love and serve one another." (Quote ) There are dramatic differences in children with empathy and without. Dad and Mom please understand how necessary it is for you to show empathy wherever you go but especially to your children and each other.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Godly Home continues.

Because of all the Godly benefits and the Godly atmosphere the members in the home mature spiritually, emotionally and mentally. They discover their area of significance. There is peace and joy in the Godly Home.
Heaven will be on earth for the members of the Godly Home if they know the secret of the beloved, that they are deeply, deeply loved by Almighty God. Knowing the truth will cause them to be established in the unmerited favour of God and to always carry a sense of favour-consciousness wherever they go. They will go to Jesus just as they are.
I want to leave you with Ephesians 1 verse 6 To the praise of the glory of His grace by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

Godly Home

Sermon on 18 September 2011.Shortened version.
God designed the home to be the heart of ministry. It is to be a place of worship, learning, health, hospitality, and productivity for each member of the family and a base for reaching out to others in the community.
The home of the godly family should be a place where every family member feels safe, protected and nurtured. I am always thinking that it should be a place where the members feel as David wrote in Psalm 91 about those who dwell in the secret place of the most High. In verse 4 David said
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust”
I see the family members safely as under a mother hen. It must be a place where they know they are significant on the one hand but it is also the place where they can share their problems, their little secrets etc. The members must know in this home they will not be condemned or broken down. Their house is a place where we build and never break people.
2.    IT IS A STABLE GOD-SERVING HOME. It is a place of prayer,
The Christian family is the first place of education in prayer. Based on the sacrament of marriage, the family is the "domestic church" where God's children learn to pray "as the Church" and to persevere in prayer. For young children in particular, daily family prayer is the first witness of the Church's living memory as awakened patiently by the Holy Spirit. This is a lovely prayer for parents.
This was the first specific opdrag command from the Lord to me to you and ...I have the words and I had to fill it in.  
I told you about the revelation I had on how great God’s love really is. I preached about a love that none of us can ever comprehend. A love that none of us can ever understand – the love that our God has for us. It is a godly love that only God can comprehend.  It is the biggest thing in the whole wide world – The love that our God has for us. From eternity to eternity.  From heaven to earth from the beginning of the world to the end of the world. Louie Giglio tells us how great our God is but as great as our God is, so great is our God’s love for us.  He loves us and holds on to us. As great as the universe is so great is the love of our God. The God that created us, created our Galaxy that is millions of light years away. This big God that could say let there be light - has such a great love for us.
The people in the Godly home should live this love. We all know that we must love God, our neighbours, ourselves and our children. It is a nurturing kind of love, forming permanent relationships.
Loving God is obeying God (John 14:15). A true love for God will result in a true love for one another within the home. This means that a Godly Home will be overflowing with love. Everybody will see and know the love in this house – it will be love that flows from Jesus heart. He died for us.
Throughout the Bible, we are instructed to reach out to those in need, particularly offering generous help to those who are poor.
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered (Proverbs 21:13).
Mercy and Grace. The Big Picture Before the foundation of the world
John 17:24b for You loved Me before the foundation of the world
Eph. 1:4b just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world
Matt. 13:35b I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world.

God had a plan of Salvation – before the foundation of the world

MERCY as Inus explained so well to us is God withholding the punishment we deserve because of our sinfulness. The consequences of sin are death, yet Jesus paid this penalty for us. If it wasn’t for God’s mercy we would not be here. We are deserving of judgment, of destruction, punishment and condemnation.

GRACE is the unearned gifts the Father gives to His children. The Lord relates to us by His grace. Grace has provided salvation to all who come to Him, though we deserved destruction. God knew that the man He created would sin. God wants us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace in times of need.
I am preaching Jesus to you. I cannot stop preaching Jesus to you for what He has done for us on the cross.
I am in the grip of His Grace. It is all Grace for me. Can anything separate us from God's love? Does He really love us, no matter what?
How does He feel about me when I snap at anything that moves? When I've failed as a parent? When my thoughts are gutter-level? When my tongue is sharp? Have I drifted too far? Waited too long? Slipped too much? The answer is found in one of life's sweetest words-grace.
It is God who lovingly holds me in the eternal grip of His grace. My good deeds won't help. Perfect performance is not required. The God who made me has redeemed me and covered my sinfulness with His righteousness. His holiness is sufficient for all my sin. And that's grace.
Beloved all our answers is found at the Mount of Golgotha, the place of the Skull. It is the place where the sinless Man became sin so that we can become the righteousness of God. His righteousness is our right to Gods unmerited favour. God sees us through the lens of the cross of His Son and as Jesus is today deserving of blessing, peace health and favour, so are we. Our righteousness if freely given and not earned. Paul says in Galatians 2 verse 21”do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"
Parents must understand the principle of faith and trust in our God.
How light the life that dwells in God's presence! When we engage in continual conversation with God; walk with Him in faith, humility, simplicity, and love; and think, say, or do nothing that may displease God, we live in His kingdom on earth as we hope to live with Him in heaven. 



Sunday night 25 September 2011.
A few thoughts put on paper
It is late Sunday night. I completed a proposal to Volkswagen at 22h30 and then rushed to bed to watch SCI: NY at 23h00. As usual I fell asleep just before the end and I was so frustrated to wake up with Special Assignment showing and a woman with cancer speaking. Now I am wide awake and watching. They showed from the beginning of her illness to her funeral. She was diagnosed with cancer at a very late stage. She had the lump under her arm but was told she will know it is breast cancer when the colour of her breast starts changing. The system failed her.  I looked at all her suffering. It was terrible! She died and left a ten year old daughter behind. And I felt the dark pit of cancer again. But fortunately I know that By His Stripes I am healed. And I stretched out my hand to touch His garment.  

The doctor on screen explained in simple terms what cancer is and it sounds like such a simple disease while it is so complex and dreaded.
“A Cancer is a cell that has lost its normal control mechanism and thus has unregulated growth.  Cancer can develop from any tissue within any organ.  As cancer cells grow and multiply, they form a mass of cancerous tissue that invades adjacent tissues and can spread (metastasize) around the body.”

On Wednesday I assisted the staff to take a twelve year old girl to a place of Safety. Her mother died of an Aids related disease and her father is on drugs and the house is very dirty. About two hours afterwards, not even so long, I started to feel ill and was ill the rest of week till Gavin came to pray for me on Saturday afternoon.  My left arm has an infection again. I am on my way to the cancer unit this morning.

It is so strange that last Saturday when I wrote my sermon on the Godly Home I spent a wonderful time in God’s presence and the reality of Max Lucado’s book In the grip of Grace became Rhema to me. I read the Afrikaans version. “In die Greep van God se Genade” and  decided to be in the Grip of His Grace forever. I am going to publish part of my sermon on the blog.

I have many times preached on God’s grace but never understood it as fully as I do now. It changed my life completely. This understanding that it is a free gift from God to me. I do not need to do anything. Louis Giglio says that at the core of the gospel lies the extravaganza of a loving Father powerfully expressed in the grace of a willing Saviour.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Eleven things you never say to anyone

Eleven things you never say to anyone as explained by Dr. George Thompson.
About five years ago I did the Responsibility Pathways Course with Lesley du Toit and Larry Brendtro. They quoted what Dr. George Thompson said in 1993. Dr Thompson writes about, and coaches people, in the art of communication. He starts off by asking the following
How often do you find yourself misunderstood, frustrated, and on the losing end of an argument? Sometimes? Most of the time? All the time? If a large percentage of your success in life depends on your success in conversation, wouldn’t you like 'never' to be your answer? Do you have a plan ready when you find yourself confronting an adversary at work? At home? On a dark street at night? Or do you just react from habit or emotion?
As Dr. George Thompson says, 'When you react, the event controls you. When you respond, you’re in control.' Whether at home or in the office boardroom, He calls the art of communication Verbal Judo. Verbal Judo can show you how to be better prepared in every verbal encounter. Thompson teaches people how to listen and speak more effectively; how to engage people through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language); how to avoid the most common conversational disasters; and how to have a proven, easily remembered strategy that will allow you successfully to communicate your point of view and make your children we both win. You make them feel good when you state your case.
These are the eleven things that Brendtro and du Toit quoted from Thompson and I believe that parents can learn a lot from this:
11 things never to say to your children, your wife or husband, friends, people you are counselling:

1.      “Come here” This actually means run away.

2.      “You would not understand” Sounds like you think the person is stupid

3.      Because those are the rules” Or “because I say so” I heard a Dad saying this the other day and I thought it would have taken him one minute to explain why he made the rule and he would have had two very happy children instead of two children who are very upset for being shut-up. If you are enforcing rules that exist for good reason, don’t be afraid to explain that! Your children may like it, but at least they have been honoured with an explanation. Note, a true sign of RESPECT is to tell CHILDREN/people why, and telling children why generates voluntary compliance. Indeed, we know that at least 70% of resistant or difficult children will do what you want them to do if you will just tell them why!

4.      “Its none of your business”

5.      What do you want me to do about it” A great cop-out!! This pseudo-question, always accompanied by sarcasm, is clearly an evasion of responsibility and a clear sign of a lack of creativity! The phrase really reveals the speaker’s exasperation and lack of knowledge. When you say, “What do you want me to do about it?” you can count on two problems: the one you started with and the one you just created by appearing to duck responsibility. .Instead, tactically offer to help sort out the problem and work toward a solution. If it truly is not in your area of responsibility, point the subject to the right department or persons that might be able to solve the problem.

6.      “Calm down” This is such a big no- no for saying to an ADHD child, actually to any person. What's wrong with it? One, the phrase is a criticism of their behaviour and suggests that they have no legitimate right to be upset! Hence, rather than reassuring them that things will improve, which should be your goal, you have created a new problem! Not only is there the matter they were upset about to begin with, but now they need to defend their reaction to you! Double the trouble!
Better, put on a calming face look the person in the eye and say, gently, "It's going to    be all right. Talk to me. What's the matter?" The phrase "What's the matter?' softens the person up to talk and calm down; where 'Calm down' hardens the resistance. The choice is yours!
7. “What’s your problem” This snotty, useless phrase turns the problem back on the person needing assistance. It signals this is a “you-versus-me” battle rather than an “us” discussion.
8. “You never” or “You always
9. I am not going to say this again”   Parents do it all the time with their kids, and street cops do it with resistant subjects, all the time! The phrase is, of course, a threat, and voicing it leaves you only one viable option-action! If you are not prepared to act, or cannot at the time, you lose credibility, and with the loss of creditability comes the loss of power and safety! If you want to stress the seriousness of your words, say something like, 'Listen, it's important that you get this point, so pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you.
'10. "I am doing this for your good
11. “Why don’t you be reasonable? Telling people "be more reasonable" has many of the same problems as "Calm Down!" Everyone thinks h/she is plenty reasonable given the present circumstances! I never have had anyone run up to me and say, "Hey, I know I'm stupid and wrong, but here's what I think!" although I have been confronted by stupid and wrong people! You only invite conflict when you tell people to "be more reasonable!"
Instead, make people more reasonable by the way in which you handle them, tactically! Use the language of reassurance-"Let me see if I understand your position," and then paraphrase-another VJ tactic!-back to them their meaning, as you see it, in your words! Using your words will calm them and make them more reasonable because your words will (or better be!) more professional and less emotional.
This approach absorbs the other's tension and makes him feel your support. Now you can help them think more logically and less destructively, without making the insulting charge implied in your statement, "Be more reasonable!"
Dr Thompson always emphasises tactics. Again, tactics over natural reaction! Remember, insult strengthens resistance and shuts the eyes. Civility weakens resistance and opens the eyes!
It’s tactical to be nice and to have empathy!