Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blessings and affirmations.

About 5 years ago I read the book byJames Mac Donald 7 words to change your family A year or two later I started to teach parents the 5 love languages and one of the love languages is words of affirmation. And I realised how true Mac Donald's words are. He says that deep within the heart of every person is a longing for parental approval. We search for it our whole leves. He uses the word blessing in stead of affirmation and I believe that blessing is deeper with a definite Christian connotation. He explained what blesiing is and I realise it is affirmation plus.  He says that blessing is a formula of words that expresses fondness for, confidence in, and recognition of a specific person. In Old Testament times the blessing was a bestowal of favour and acceptance, a transaction that gave material and spiritual benefit to the recipient.
 But parents listen what happened in the old temstament. The Hebrew father would call together some of his peers, and they would gather round the son and daughter being blessed. Normally, the ceremony would take place sometimes between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. Each adult would bring message of insight and practical wisdom filled with faith and conviction. This is the best! When the process was complete, the father would awkwardly lift his teenage child onto his shoulders and danced about the room in celebration. He was saying in front of everybody : "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased".
MacDonald says you can do it through meaningful touch, spoken words, affirming you child's value, giving him a spiritual and prosperous vision.
Children need approval, they need parents to speak positive things to them and about them and to recognise what they do well as their accomplishments.
I challenge you to bless your children as they did in the Old Testament!

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