Sunday, May 29, 2011


What about me and my healing: My testimony on 22 May 2011.  
Yes people I am wonderfully and fearfully formed and created  by the God who created the universe. Yes I was formed by the God who placed the earth in the Milky Way. Just to get passed our Milky Way subdivision takes 100,000 light years.
Psalm 33 from verse 6 “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth”.
Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14. “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Then verse 16 says All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came together”.  
This wonderful God talked to me on the 14th of September 2010 during my quiet time and warned me about a serious illness awaiting me. On the 19th of September I discovered a lump under my arm. On the 29th I was diagnosed with cancer which seemed to be aggressive. Since then I had the lump removed, I had chemo-therapy which was surely the most difficult time of my life.  I had a mastectomy and I am now awaiting radiation.
In the beginning I prayed for an immediate miraculous healing. I then understood from the Lord that I will have to go through the process as planned by the doctors. This is what is happening now. I clearly heard from the Lord that I must change. It is as if I was given a second chance to live my life to the fullest – to be in God’s perfect will. This is my message to you today. God told me that I must become meeker and kinder and more righteous. The meek shall inherit the earth.  To a much greater extent do I look for the will of God in my life. Daily I die to self. It also became very clear to me that I do not follow my calling to go and tell. I have also not got to my retirement plans to do parenting courses and rewrite the parenting course that I have always presented.
I also had to change my lifestyle and eating habits. No white sugar, no fat, no pork, very little meat, no white flour, lots of fresh or steamed vegetables and fruit. I enjoy the fruit so much – because no work involved. And then everyday 3 spoons of smooth cottage cheese mixed with 1 ½ spoons of flaxseed oil. The last is the most important of all. Very little dairy products.
I believe that I am healed and as Dr. Jansen said the radiation is to ensure that no cancer cells linger behind.
I do believe that God gave me a second chance to put my life in order. If He now comes to fetch me or all of us I am ready to go. When cancer was first diagnosed I said I put myself in God’s hands and that has never changed. I am in His hands – the hands of the creator of Heaven and earth – the hands of the one who created me – who loves me and cares for me. I prayed for healing and I believe that I am healed but for me it is more important to be in right standing with Him, to live my life as He wants me to do and to go tell. And for that reason - for me to go and tell I believe that God healed me. Unfortunately I have no clear cut answers from the doctors now but I believe that I will have it soon. So my plea to you today is do not leave if you need salvation or if you need healing. Come let us pray together. We are entering a time of miraculous living! Come and be part of it!

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