Wednesday morning when my daughter Irene drove me to the hospital, I was not feeling too well after a week of being in high spirits and feeling very well. . I was lightheaded with a bit of a cough and I was wondering whether I should have Chemo like Dirk taught me the correct English pronunciation Keemo-. The drawing of the blood was very easy so I took my file to the Chemo section early. I was the second one in the que. Myself and the first one went up together. The young woman with me is 34. She had cancer in her one eye when she was a baby and was 33 years clean and now she is back with breast cancer. They called her very soon and she went in for her chemo, I chatted with the new one now sitting next to me. At 9h30 they came to tell us two that our blood tests have not come yet. I then knew that there are problems. A few other were also sent back. Finally we heard the outome. The old story for me, my white blood cell count was too low but doctor said they must quickly weigh me. The sister fiddled with the scale again and again. I had to get off and on again. Then she said to me you have lost eight kilos. I thought they would be glad as every time they askme I must loose weight. I told her about the pdroblems with my stomach that I had after the previous chemo. You must stay within the diet, dont strain yourself and stay in bed on Tuesday and we hope that you will then have your chemo next Wednesday. That is the second last.
I phoned Louise to come and fetch me. While I was waiting for her I sat reading and praying and God gave me this wonderful scripture Deuteronomy 30 verses 19 to 20.
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days: and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give to them .
It blessed me tremendously . And enabled me to go on. I will just cling to Him. He is my healer!!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
We are starting a playgroup called Thamsanqa Toddlers.
I was wondering where I should put this information about 3 year olds that I have given to the staff and volunteers who are going to start the Thamsanqa Toddlers. I feel that many parents will enjoy information on three year olds.
1 cup of boiling water
2 tablespoons of vinegar
a half cup of salt
1 tablespoon of oil
Simply mix all the ingredients together! Be careful as it can be quite hot.Use 3 drops of food colouring in each half a cup of dough.
Most playdough recipes are cooked, and here is one example.
Our plan is to provide in their needs and go beyond!!!
Thamsanqa Toddlers. Information to caregivers.
To the staff at Thamsanqa Toddlers:
We want to nurture, care for and stimulate the children in our care.
The 3-4 year-old is full of wonder and spends a lot of time watching, observing, and imitating. Their days are filled with busy exploration of their world.
Three-year-olds are interested in perfecting motor skills, and it is common for them to spend the entire morning going down the slide or riding a favourite tricycle.
Three-year-olds are interested in perfecting motor skills, and it is common for them to spend the entire morning going down the slide or riding a favourite tricycle.
- weight: 15+ kilograms
- height: 34-43 inches +- 88cm
- develops a taller, thinner, adult-like appearance
- develops a full set of baby teeth
- needs approximately 1,300 calories daily
- sleeps 10-12 hours at night
- sleeps through most nights without wetting the bed (occasional
accidents are still quite common)
- uses the toilet with some help (many boys may not be ready for toilet
learning until sometime during their third year)
- puts on shoes (but cannot tie laces)
- dresses self with some help (buttons, snaps, zippers)
- feeds self (with some spilling)
- tries to catch a large ball
- throws a ball overhead
- kicks a ball forward
- hops on one foot
- walks short distance on tiptoes
- climbs up and down a small slide by self
- pedals a tricycle
- walks on a line
- can stand, balance, and hop on one foot
- - can feed self with spoon and small fork; often butters bread with knife
- can use toilet independently
- can brush teeth, wash hands, get a drink
- height: 34-43 inches +- 88cm
- develops a taller, thinner, adult-like appearance
- develops a full set of baby teeth
- needs approximately 1,300 calories daily
- sleeps 10-12 hours at night
- sleeps through most nights without wetting the bed (occasional
accidents are still quite common)
- uses the toilet with some help (many boys may not be ready for toilet
learning until sometime during their third year)
- puts on shoes (but cannot tie laces)
- dresses self with some help (buttons, snaps, zippers)
- feeds self (with some spilling)
- tries to catch a large ball
- throws a ball overhead
- kicks a ball forward
- hops on one foot
- walks short distance on tiptoes
- climbs up and down a small slide by self
- pedals a tricycle
- walks on a line
- can stand, balance, and hop on one foot
- - can feed self with spoon and small fork; often butters bread with knife
- can use toilet independently
- can brush teeth, wash hands, get a drink
- talks so that 75 to 80 percent of his speech is understandable
- talks in complete sentences of 3-5 words. "Mommy is drinking juice.
There's a big dog."
- stumbles over words sometimes - usually not a sign of stuttering
- enjoys repeating words and sounds
- listens attentively to short stories and books
- likes familiar stories told without any changes in words
- enjoys listening to stories and repeating simple rhymes
- able to tell simple stories from pictures or books
- enjoys singing and can carry a simple tune. Repeat the same song every day even when you start with new songs go back to the old songs.
- understands "now, soon, and later"
- asks who, what, where, and why questions
- stacks 5-7 blocks
- enjoys playing with clay or play dough (pounds, rolls, and squeezes
- can put together a 6-piece puzzle
- draws a circle and square
- recognizes common everyday sounds
- matches an object to a picture of that object
- identifies common colors such as red, blue, yellow, green
- can count 2-3 objects
- can solve problems if they are simple, concrete, real, and immediate,
and if wants to
- interested in similarities and differences
- can distinguish, match, and name colors
- interested in features of animals that make them unique
- has good self-knowledge; can understand difference between self and
younger children, but not between self and older children
- can say his age
- talks in complete sentences of 3-5 words. "Mommy is drinking juice.
There's a big dog."
- stumbles over words sometimes - usually not a sign of stuttering
- enjoys repeating words and sounds
- listens attentively to short stories and books
- likes familiar stories told without any changes in words
- enjoys listening to stories and repeating simple rhymes
- able to tell simple stories from pictures or books
- enjoys singing and can carry a simple tune. Repeat the same song every day even when you start with new songs go back to the old songs.
- understands "now, soon, and later"
- asks who, what, where, and why questions
- stacks 5-7 blocks
- enjoys playing with clay or play dough (pounds, rolls, and squeezes
- can put together a 6-piece puzzle
- draws a circle and square
- recognizes common everyday sounds
- matches an object to a picture of that object
- identifies common colors such as red, blue, yellow, green
- can count 2-3 objects
- can solve problems if they are simple, concrete, real, and immediate,
and if wants to
- interested in similarities and differences
- can distinguish, match, and name colors
- interested in features of animals that make them unique
- has good self-knowledge; can understand difference between self and
younger children, but not between self and older children
- can say his age
- seeks attention and approval of adults
- - accepts suggestions and follows simple directions
- - can make simple choices between two things
- enjoys making others laugh and being silly
- enjoys playing alone but near other children
- spends a great deal of time watching and observing
- enjoys playing with other children briefly, but still does not
cooperate or share well
- enjoys hearing stories about self
- enjoys playing "house"
- enjoys imitating other children and adults
- answers whether he is a boy or a girl
- expresses interest in ethnic identities of self and others if exposed
to a multicultural setting
- - accepts suggestions and follows simple directions
- - can make simple choices between two things
- enjoys making others laugh and being silly
- enjoys playing alone but near other children
- spends a great deal of time watching and observing
- enjoys playing with other children briefly, but still does not
cooperate or share well
- enjoys hearing stories about self
- enjoys playing "house"
- enjoys imitating other children and adults
- answers whether he is a boy or a girl
- expresses interest in ethnic identities of self and others if exposed
to a multicultural setting
- Be patient with toileting. Many children (especially boys) will not be ready for toilet learning until after age 3. Accidents will happen for a while; treat accidents calmly and matter of factly. Avoid shaming a child.
- Encourage development of hand-eye coordination by providing large buttons or old beads to string on a shoe lace.
- Play ball - show children how to throw, catch, and kick balls of different sizes.
- Show children how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.
- Talk frequently with children; use short sentences, ask questions, and listen.
- Add new information to children's sentences. "Yes that's a flower
- it's a tall, red flower and it smells so good."
- Teach children to memorize first and last names.
- Provide books for children to read, and read the same books to them.
Read poetry and nursery rhymes. Encourage a child to repeat a story and discuss the ideas and events. Read titles and point to important words
on pages, packages, and street signs.
- Count objects of interest; for example cookies, cups, napkins, or
dolls. When possible, move one at a time as you and the children count.
Measure, and have children help measure and count as you follow a
- Provide sets - toys and other objects that go together. Discuss
similarities and differences. For example, point out sequences in
cooking. Let children experiment with faucets, tools, light switches,
knobs, latches, and toys that come apart.
- Sing simple songs. Make simple rhythm instruments: oatmeal box or
coffee can drums, rattles of dry beans in a box, etc. Encourage a variety of body movements and dance to music of many kinds. Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in
the Dell."
- Encourage free expression in art projects. Avoid asking "what"
children are drawing. Three-year-olds may not know or care, but simply enjoy the process of drawing. Do not ask a child under 4 what they are drawing.
- Encourage development of hand-eye coordination by providing large buttons or old beads to string on a shoe lace.
- Play ball - show children how to throw, catch, and kick balls of different sizes.
- Show children how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.
- Talk frequently with children; use short sentences, ask questions, and listen.
- Add new information to children's sentences. "Yes that's a flower
- it's a tall, red flower and it smells so good."
- Teach children to memorize first and last names.
- Provide books for children to read, and read the same books to them.
Read poetry and nursery rhymes. Encourage a child to repeat a story and discuss the ideas and events. Read titles and point to important words
on pages, packages, and street signs.
- Count objects of interest; for example cookies, cups, napkins, or
dolls. When possible, move one at a time as you and the children count.
Measure, and have children help measure and count as you follow a
- Provide sets - toys and other objects that go together. Discuss
similarities and differences. For example, point out sequences in
cooking. Let children experiment with faucets, tools, light switches,
knobs, latches, and toys that come apart.
- Sing simple songs. Make simple rhythm instruments: oatmeal box or
coffee can drums, rattles of dry beans in a box, etc. Encourage a variety of body movements and dance to music of many kinds. Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in
the Dell."
- Encourage free expression in art projects. Avoid asking "what"
children are drawing. Three-year-olds may not know or care, but simply enjoy the process of drawing. Do not ask a child under 4 what they are drawing.
Uncooked play dough
1 cup of flour1 cup of boiling water
2 tablespoons of vinegar
a half cup of salt
1 tablespoon of oil
Simply mix all the ingredients together! Be careful as it can be quite hot.Use 3 drops of food colouring in each half a cup of dough.
Most playdough recipes are cooked, and here is one example.
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